How to Grow Venus Fly Trap From Seeds

Venus Flytrap plants can be found in a variety of places, from carnivorous plant shops to grocery stores. You are probably familiar with their “teeth” and clam-shell-like appearance, but have you ever wondered what a Venus flytrap seed looks like and how well they grow? 

While a Venus flytrap can be difficult to grow from seeds, it can be done. But you have to know how to get them started and keep them growing, so let’s look at how to do it!

The Steps to Growing A Venus flytrap from Seeds

There are seven steps to grow a Venus flytrap from seeds. As we walk through each step, I will give you detailed instructions, as well as the importance behind each of these steps. Even a beginner can do this, but it will take patience and diligence to grow mature Venus flytraps. 

Find the Right Venus flytrap Seeds

Finding the right Venus flytrap seeds can be difficult. Many times, you must do some searching for a reputable seed seller. 

You want to make sure what you are paying for will indeed grow you some Venus flytraps. Check online retailers or local plant shops, unless you have a very savvy Venus Flytrap-growing friend who happens to know how and when to harvest the seeds.  

Next, up these plants are very particular about their soil type and climate conditions, so we will cover the plant’s favored growing conditions in-depth. 

Gather Your Supplies

Make sure that there’s enough space at home for a new little friend, so be ready with pots, containers, and other materials necessary for growing these carnivorous plants before planting any of your seeds. 

Start your seeds in a thin layer of sphagnum moss, and once they are mature, you can transfer them to a more substantial soil medium. The following soil components are best for Venus flytraps if mixed in equal parts:

Be careful not to overcrowd your seeds, as this can result in fungal growth. To avoid fungal growth, you can spray your seeds with neem oil as they are growing. 

Place the sphagnum moss in a tray and cover the tray with plastic wrap to create a greenhouse at home. This will ensure the seeds do not dry out during the growing process. This greenhouse effect, when growing Venus flytraps from seed, helps regulate temperature and humidity levels.

Water the Venus flytrap Seeds With Care

Venus flytraps are picky with the water they can have because some water may end up killing the plant if it is saturated with harmful nutrients. 

When watering seeds, water them moderately so that water drains out the bottom when they are watered from above. You should keep the soil moist throughout the growing process.

Once the plant has matured, keep the soil moist. Also, mist the plant with water to increase humidity. 

About Fertilizing

You rarely need to fertilize your Venus flytrap. This is because the plant prefers soil that is not nutrient-rich. If you fertilize your plant, you may end up killing it. Air on the said of caution and avoided fertilizing it. 

Get the Right Lighting and Temperature for Venus flytrap Seedlings

Make sure your germinated seeds get lots of direct sunlight:

  • Sunlight: Anywhere between 12 and 16 hours of sunlight is ideal, especially for seedlings. 
  • Temperature: The optimum temperature for growing Venus flytrap plants is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit, with humidity levels of more than 75 percent.

Not every plant can handle direct sunlight, but Venus flytraps love it. If you don’t have enough natural light for these sun-loving seedlings, invest in a fluorescent grow light

Transplant Your Venus flytrap

It is time to transplant your Venus flytrap if the plant’s roots are beginning to grow through its container or out of the drainage holes. 

You’ll notice that some of the seedlings are larger than others; those are the ones you want to select for transplanting. It is a good idea to choose more seedlings than you need or want because some of them may not survive. 

To transplant:

  • Fill a pot with the growing medium of your choice (never potting soil – usually a mixture of peat moss and perlite). Moisten the mix.
  • Prepare a hole in the middle of the medium. 
  • Gently loosen the baby Venus flytrap from its current pot. Never pull at the plant. Instead, tip the pot, gently shake it and encourage the plant to plop out into your hand. 
  • Guide the new seedling into the hole and gently backfill with growing medium, gently pressing it down as you go until the Venus flytrap seedling is comfortably in place with ample support.

Make sure the bottom of the plant (a tiny rhizome) is covered with a growing medium, and look for any weak spots in the medium that may need a bit more fill. Also, make sure the soil is moistened, and then just spray the Venus flytrap with a bit of water and get it into a sunshine-filled spot. 

grow a venus flytrap from seeds

Be Patient and Monitor Growth

Remain patient as your Venus flytrap matures and flowers! It may take anywhere from three months up to four years before they will flower; usually, this happens during their second growing season. 

You should see growth within four to eight weeks. And light is extremely important as you begin to see miniature versions of the plant. 

If you see flowers on your Venus flytrap, it is best to pluck them off so the plant can focus its efforts on growing stronger rather than blooming flowers. If you want to produce new seeds, let them flower, and then you can harvest new seeds. 

Feed the Venus flytrap as Needed

Your Venus flytrap does not need to be fed until it is fully mature. This is when the trap is visible, and it remains open. If that is the case, you can feed your Venus flytrap dead bugs if it is not getting them regularly while indoors. 

If you feed them a dead bug, you will need to simulate movement and trigger the hairs on the flytrap so it can release acid and start digesting the bug. You will know that your Venus flytrap needs food if their coloring is more red than green. 

Now that you are equipped with the steps to grow your Venus flytrap from seeds, let us discuss some potential problems you may encounter through the growing process. 

Potential Problems When Growing A Venus flytrap

Venus flytraps do best as indoor plants in most places. Harsh weather changes can cause slow growth or, in some cases, cause death for a Venus flytrap. And it is even more difficult to start Venus flytraps from seeds outside, especially if the climate is not on your side. 

You Have the Wrong Size Pot

If you decide you want more than one Venus flytrap for an indoor carnivorous plant garden display, just remember not to overplant them because these plants do best in small pots (less than two quarts).

You Do Not Change Your Habits in the Winter

Keep an eye on your Venus flytrap in the winter, since if you grow them indoors, you will want to take care not to let their soil freeze or let them get too cold. Make sure it has enough light even when days get shorter in cooler climates.

If they are sitting in a windowsill and are not in a terrarium or greenhouse, move them a bit farther away from potential drafty windows. Cold air can shock your Venus flytrap and cause them to die. 

You Are Over or Under Watering Your Plant

Additionally, if your Venus flytrap’s leaves turn brown and crispy, that is a sign of overwatering or underwatering. It also may mean your plant needs more sunlight.

These three potential problems are easy to remedy if caught early. And just like any other houseplant, be careful not to ignore any signs of sickness or poor growth. 

Basic Venus flytrap Care Tips

A Venus flytrap, once it grows into a mature plant, requires quite a bit of diligent care

To care for your Venus flytrap after it is full-grown, you should use the following tips:

  • Soil should be moist but not wet (if the soil is too dry, it will cause drooping)
  • Place in a sunny spot indoors
  • Avoid fertilizers and nutrient-dense soil

Most of the time, beginners can overwater their plants, so it is essential to provide the right amount of water. Do not water your plant every day, but it may require watering every three to five days. 

In Summary: Growing from Seeds Requires Care

Growing a Venus flytrap from seeds can be an exciting and rewarding experience. It is not hard to do, but it does take time and patience. To grow the plant successfully, you will first need to germinate seeds and monitor growth conditions closely.